Images may contain: shoes
Michael Padilla
14 images from the beginning of Confinement in Spain (15 March, 2020) until now (July, 2020). Images may contain: Shoes. A collection of images metamorphosed into shoes by Facebook, Inc’s Image recognition software and plotted out on Google, LLC’s free map making application to create a map of points of little to no interest in Seville, Spain.
Just barriendo
are happy.
c/ Rey Juan Carlos I, s/n.
Reference image. 2020.04.22. 10.13 CEST.
(37.3912393, -6.0046439)
Mientras waiting
Just out walkin’ the kids
Omar wasn’t there
don’t forget to...
from the back seat
With a selfie to boot
Sunday in the park
c/ Espinosa y Cárcel, 21.
Reference image.
2020.06.10. 12.35 CEST.
(37.3789872, -5.9723213)
Next to the parroquia
Or both
It’s hotting up
De sombra en sombra
Landings:2020 – Metamorphosis
“What’s happened to me? he thought. It was no dream.”
Franz Kafka, The Metamorphosis
Over the past six months the world has faced a great deal of change unlike we have experienced and known in our lifetimes. Some of this change has been temporary, such as the lockdowns keeping most of the public in the confinement of their own homes, whilst other changes will become more permanent and apparent in the future that lies ahead. The effects of this current situation have been felt within both local and global communities, and impacted upon our work, leisure, how we interact and communicate with our friends and colleagues and may be how we live and travel in the future.
Landings:2020 proposes that we are in a liminal stage, a transitional stage, where even further transformations will be occurring. Our living and working environment has had a great impact on the photography and art that we have produced; making us think more creatively than ever and solving problems where we have been unable to fulfil our initial ideas. Sometimes change can be positive as well as negative and transform our outlook in ways we never thought it would.
Therefore, ‘Metamorphosis’ will celebrate the photography we produce in these transitional times and how we have connected to the landscapes we have found ourselves in, wherever that may be.